Shots from WR3

All photos are provided for personal, non-commercial use only.

2017 WR3 Photos:
Courtesy of Janet Norman-Bain, PEI Road Runners Club Flickr Album

Courtesy of Alex Bubar and Jean-Sebastien Duchesne.

2016 WR3 Photos:
Courtesy of Jennifer Hanus, Charlottetown Running Room Facebook Album

2015 WR3 Photos Flickr Album

Photos provided by John Acheson (Running Room), and Jean-Sebastien Duchesne (Holland College).

2009-2014 WR3 Photos Flickr Album

We are indebted to Janet Norman-Bain, aka Jypsy, who attends many, many races in PEI with her trusty camera. Janet has created online folios of photos for all WR3 events from 2009 through 2014.